6 Reasons To Be At Risk Of Heart Disease.
In the human body, the heart is an organ that is responsible for the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. So one of our responsibilities is to keep it healthy and strong. Experts say that good heart health can lead to disease-free longevity. For this, healthy food and regular exercise are essential. There are many foods and activities that are harmful to this organ, which we do regularly. However, here are some of the harmful factors that will be surprised to know. These are just some of the goal-setting shareware that you can use. These activities adversely affect the heart, increasing the risk of heart disease.
01. Sit All Day.
This is usually the case with employees. For many, the job style is such that they have to spend full working hours sitting in their chairs. And for those who spend their time just lying down because of laziness, it is also a sign of thunder. A study by the American Heart Association (AHA) found that people who spend five hours or more a day sitting at a higher risk of heart disease than others. It is also said that to avoid this, you have to take a little walk for 5 minutes every hour.
02. Do Not Floss.
Heart disease can occur when the teeth are unhealthy. People who have problems like tooth decay or gum inflammation are at risk of developing not only heart disease but also kidney problems. A study in the Journal of Periodontal Research found that people who keep their teeth clean through regular flossing are less likely to develop heart disease. Bacteria that cause tuberculosis are also more likely to cause heart disease. These bacteria get out of the mouth through flushing.
03. Loneliness.
Yes, loneliness is not only a mental problem but also a physical illness. It is said that lonely people have more heart disease than others. The farther the stress from life, the longer the life expectancy.
04. Unhealthy Relationships.
One of the reasons for the occurrence of various heart problems is to lead a poisonous unhappy life, especially in such relationships. As stress levels increase, so does the tendency to eat unhealthy foods. As a result, heartache also increases. It is not surprising that both unhappy couples have such problems.
05. Excessive Exercise At Once.
Exercise makes life healthier and more comfortable in many ways. Again, excessive exercise is harmful. In particular, for those who are not accustomed to regular exercise, when they suddenly try to sweat more, it puts harmful pressure on the heart. Excessive exercise can even increase the risk of a heart attack.
06. More Salt In The Food.
Many have this bad habit. Even if the salt is fine, not without sprinkling some more. Not only high blood pressure but also the heart is affected. In addition, processed and junk foods also increase the risk of heart disease. It is difficult to eliminate the risk of heart disease if you take more than 5 grams of salt in your diet.
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