How To Evaluate Yourself Through A Psychological Test?

How To Evaluate Yourself Through A Psychological Test?

Examine yourself through a psychological test.

There is a test called Doctor Phil's Test, in which people get an idea about your personality. Nowadays in many job sectors also this test also takes the idea about you. Here the questionnaire will give you 10 questions, along with some answers.
You score your number from the number given at the end of the answer Can know. 
Dr. Phils got 55 on this test. He did this test on Oprah Winfrey, she got 36. However, to participate in this test, you.
The main thing to keep in mind is to forget what you were like in the past, where you are now.
Below are the ten questions and some answers. Match your answer. At the end of the numbering for your answer, check your score. And also find out how a person will evaluate you on how much scoring.

01. At what point do you feel happiest?

A) In the morning

B) Between afternoon and evening.

C) At midnight.

02. How do you usually walk?

A) Fast, big steps.

B) Fast, short steps.

C. Less quickly, he raises his head and looks at the nature around him.

D) Less quickly, with the head down.

E) Very slowly.

03. When you talk to someone-

A) Put both hands on the chest.

B) Hold both hands like a handshake or fist.

C) Put one hand or two hands on your hip or put it in your pocket.

D) Touch the person you are talking to.

E) Speak by touching your ears, skin, or head with your hands.

04. The way you sit when you rest-

A) Sit with both knees folded in front of the face.

B) Sit with both feet on the ground at an angle.

C) Sit with both legs straight forward.

D) Sit with one leg folded and the other leg straight.

05. When something gives you true joy, you.

A) Welcome with a loud smile.

B) Laugh with a few words.

C) You are silent!

D) Mikki smiled.

06. When you attend a party,

A) Welcome everyone and enter.

B) Enter quietly, and look for someone you know.

C) Likes to enter silently and stand-alone in one corner.

07. You're so engrossed in a task that suddenly someone knocks you out,

A) You welcome him.

B) You get very angry

C) Sometimes welcome, sometimes angry.

08. What is your favorite color?

A) Red or orange

B) Black

C) Yellow or light blue.

D) Green

E) Dark blue or purple

F) Gray or brown.

09. How do you lie in bed before going to bed at night?

A) Straighten.

B) Spur.

C) Tilt to one side.

D) Keeping the head on one hand.

E) Keeping the head under the pillow.

10. How often do you dream?

A) You are falling from something.

B) You are fighting with someone or running away.

C) You are looking for someone.

D) You are flying or floating.

E) It goes without saying that you do not dream.

F) You always dream of happiness.


01. A = 2, B = 4, C = 6

02. A = 6, B = 4, C = ৭, D = 2, E = 1,

03. A = 4, B = 2, C = 5, D = 6, E = 6,

04. A = 4, B = 6, C = 2, D = 1,

05. A = 6, B = 4, C = 3, D = 5,

06. A = 6, B = 4, C = 2,

07. A = 6, B = 2, C = 4,

08. A = 6, B = 7, C = 5, D = 4, E = 3, F = 2

09. A = 7, B = 6, C = 4, D = 2, E = 1.

10. A = 4, B = 2, D = 3, D = 5, E = 6, F = 1.

When your score is above 60, others will know you are self-centered, you like to dominate. You will be admired, but not always credible. Someone will be very hesitant to be close to you.

When your score is 51-60, others will know that you are an attractive, lively, passionate, personable, team leader, visionary, you can decide anything very quickly, whether it is right or wrong. You are brave, adventurous, everyone will love to have your company.

When your score is 41-50, others will know you are a fresh, lively, beautiful, realistic person. You are kind, considerate, like to help people.
When your score is 31-40, others will know that you are prudent, careful, caring, realistic, clever, talented and humble. A friend will easily make friends with you. You can easily trust someone, but if someone breaks your trust you will never trust him again.

When your score is 21-30, others will know you are bored and busy. Everyone knows you are very tactful. You are not talented, but energetic.

When your score is below 21, others will know that you are very shy, nervous, always suffering from indecision. No one will see you as just an annoyance. In personal life you will face many adversities!
